Did you note the date on your calendar: 8th August, Thursday? Being a CBD enthusiast, you must be aware that this date marks the second annual observance of National CBD Day. Do you think National CBD Day is really something to be discussed and to be written on? If answered yes, how on earth did this day become a topic of discussion?

After all the bad reputation that CBD has gained over the years, it can get a little bit intimidating to speak or discuss or write about CBD but as there are increasingly large numbers of shops all over the country, hiding this topic is of no use anymore. Though there are several people around the world that speaks of the benefits of CBD and the way it has altered the lives of many, yet there is an ongoing debate on this. Let’s get into the detail of CBD and few products.

CBD – What is it?

As long as CBD is concerned, there’s lot of misinformation and misunderstanding on it. Cannabidiol is one of the most active ingredients in cannabis and while you may also find it in medical marijuana, it has a quality that won’t give you the high feeling. As per the explanations from Harvard Health Publishing, this happens because CBD is directly taken from the hemp plan which is considered to be the cousin of marijuana plant. Though CBD is a component of marijuana, it is not marijuana.

There are some who think that consuming CBD oil will lead to some kind of health impairment or addition but this is nothing to be concerned about. The World Health Organization (WHO) is of the opinion that CBD has no such impacts which are indicative of any kind of dependence and abuse. Till date, there isn’t any evidence of any health issues associated with pure CBD.

CBD Oil – What are the ways you can use it?

When you decide how you should use CBD, it’s vital to take into account bio availability. To put it in layman’s terms, you should know how much of CBD you should make into your system. Delivery methods vary from inhalation, sublingual, Transdermal, oral, topical and suppositories. Before making a choice, you should check your weight.

Inhalation: There are some people who use CBD for immediate relief from panic attacks. Inhaling or vaping the product pushes it straightaway to your lungs and hence it is absorbed into the blood. This gives you an instant effect during distressed situations. So, with 30-40% bioavailability, you get results that last for many hours.

Sublingual: Whenever most think of cannabinoids, the first thing that comes to their mind is CBD oil. Such oils can be taken under the tongue and left for 60-90 seconds. The oil gets absorbed by the mucous membranes with 20-30% bio availability. Here too, the user gets immediate effects.

Transdermal: CBD is also found in creams, patches, lotions and other Transdermal products and these are applied on the skin as the Transdermal formulas can also be absorbed. This method’s bio availability is minimum 70%. You can get relief from whole body ache and any sort of local pain.

Oral: One more option is to either swallow or eat CBD. Besides capsules and gel caps, there are also wide arrays of edibles like gummies or chocolate bars that can be easily consumed in order to get the benefits. With bio availability of around 5%, this is a convenient option for many. The effects take longer to kick in with this method.

Topical: Do you have a sore knee or a dry patch of skin? If you apply any sort of CBD topical directly to the sore spot, this can be extremely helpful. These products come in the form of salves, balms, creams and lotions and they’re usually designed for targeted relief.

Suppositories: CBD suppositories are also available and these can be perfect for all those who feel nauseatic when they swallow CBD. In these cases, the bio availability is in between 80-90% which is probably the best you can receive. These too work pretty quickly and may last for 8 hours.

Which dosage and method should you opt for?

Well, to be true, this is an entirely personal decision which depends on your personal needs and on how your body responds to CBD. While some sort of usage might seem to be okay for someone, someone else might combine different methods together. You will probably require experimenting a bit before you get the best fit. Begin low and then increase the amount over a span of few days.

Therefore, now that you are sure about the ways in which you can take in CBD, make sure you choose the right method that is lenient on your body and doesn’t have any such bad impacts.